Well I'm working on something new that I would like to share with everyone. It's called Gamer Combine. It's like Myspace and facebook, but exclusively for gamers. I'm working with a buddy of mine, Jason, who pretty much confirms the existence of God through coding. He sits down in front of his Mac laptop and types away in CSS, creating my vision. You can check it out here - Gamer Combine - but so far, there's not much to it other than the forums. Pretty soon, like Myspace and Facebook, you'll be creating a profile about yourself, but not about your social life. It will be all about your gaming life. You'll display all of your gamer ID's, achievements, pics of your avatars and gaming setups, as well as putting together tournaments and competitions. There's a lot in-store for Gamer Combine, I just can't wait to get there.
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