First Review
by Adam Blue
A lucky few of you get to be a part of history. My first review. Isn't that awesome? Well I bought Sonic Rush today for the DS, and I posted my thoughts in a very biblical form.
I also bought an Intec case for the DS Lite. I got very anal with the older DS case and PSP sleeve I had. I wanted an effing safe to keep this thing from getting contaminated. I liked this one. You can fit a few games in there and possibly the charger...I didn't check.
Circuit City is having a big sale for the 4th of July weekend. I'm hoping to get a copy of Metroid Pinball for $9. The sale has kind of started already, and my brother got the last copy of that game. Word is they pulled the games off the shelf...I hope it's true...
Save Me
by Adam Blue
Okay, here's a round-up of all my thoughts on the current/next gen consoles.
XBox360: Could use more games, but it's showing off some cool stuff. Live! is just amazing, and the Live Arcade turned into much more than I thought. Microsoft is doing good, picking up where Sega left off their legacy.
Wii: Cheap and good gameplay. That's what we need to get to and Nintendo is doing it. It's good that they aren't focusing too heavily on graphics and are trying to get good gameplay out the door. Finally jumping on the online bandwagon, they are offering updates while you sleep and downloadable old-school games.
PS3: Opposite of Nintendo. Exspensive console with NOTHING. Might be good for JapRPG fans, but that's only if you're willing to fork over all that cash. $600 is just too much. And you're paying for a Blu-Ray DVD player that's hardly worth it. The mainstream are just about finished furnishing their homes with HDTV's, but now Sony wants them to buy new HDTV's with 1080p? I'm sorry, but sell your console for $300 with everything mentioned but the Blu-Ray capabilities, and you got yourself a decent deal. And create a library of games. Sony's sure people will buy on the brand name alone.
I got into a discussion on save points in games. Someone complained of a certain title not having enough save points. IMO, that's pretty weak. Games are way too easy and a lot of that has to do with save points. Remember the original Mario and Sonic? You couldn't save your game if you wanted to go eat. Having few save points allows for a much more intense gameplay experience. The more save options you have, the less likely you'll take a section of that game seriously, throwing the feel and atmosphere right out the window. But gaming has become more mainstream, so I have to suffer for it.
The DS Lite has been taking up a lot of my time. The New Super Mario Brothers is fantastic, not to mention Mario Kart online. Hopefully I'll be back soon with a review or two...of something.-Adam
Something New
by Adam Blue
Ok. So it's been years. I'm a hardcore gamer, and I've always tried getting a good gaming blog up and running. This will be the end all, be all gaming blogs with my blunt and honest opinions on various topics.-Adam